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  1. 5/4/25 - Star Wars at Boston Red Sox in Boston, MA. www.mlb.com/redsox/tickets/promotions/themes/star-wars
  2. 5/2/25 - Star Wars at Worcester Red Sox in Worcester, MA.
  3. 4/26/25 - Vermont Sc-Fi, Fantasy and Horror Expo in Essex Junction, VT. www.facebook.com/VTSciFiFantasyExpo
  4. 4/26/25 - Linc-Con in Lincoln, MA. lincolnpl.assabetinteractive.com/calendar/linc-con-a-library-comic-con
  5. 4/18/25 - 4/20/25 - Pine State Expo in Portland, ME. www.facebook.com/events/1232181041290960
  6. 4/6/25 - Kids Con New England in Nahua, NH. www.kidsconne.com
  7. 4/4/25 - 4/5/25 - First Robotics Championship 2025 in West Springfield, MA. https://www.nefirst.org/nedcmp
  8. 3/30/25 - Star Wars at Providence Bruins in Providence, RI. www.providencebruins.com/games/detail/springfield_thunderbirds_03-30-2025
  9. 3/29/25 - Star Wars at Providence Bruins in Providence, RI. www.providencebruins.com/games/detail/hartford_wolf_pack_03-29-2025
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